You are only human

“But to be human is to be at the center of our own universe, to experience life in all its colors and all its potential. This is what we want to celebrate with Being Human - the awe of being alive and the thrill of discovering what it means to be us, the greatest wonder in the world.”

Welcome to being a human!!!!! This is what my therapist told me when I felt overwhelmed with emotions and didn’t know what to do with all of my messy thoughts. I felt like I couldn’t get through the mess of my life. I felt like giving up.

But it’s true. Being a human is messy. Life is messy. That’s the reality of it. If you think anyone actually has their sh*t 100% together your wrong.

In our society, we often don’t talk about the “thorns” in our lives, only the “roses.” All exchanges are almost transactional. That isn’t real. I hope through my journey and through @mhsmileblog I make you feel more comfortable with your feelings, and less alone in your thoughts.

To be honest, it makes me sad that our society seldom talks about feelings and “real” issues. Everyone is experiencing something on the inside. People shouldn’t feel ashamed to talk about these feelings. I know how hard it is, but my goal is to try and help others feel comfortable talking about their mental health.

One of the biggest compliments I ever received was “I love how open you are about this stuff.” To me, I was just having a personal conversational with a friend. But it struck me that not everyone has this same comfort when talking. I want that to change.

Nobody is perfect. Everyone is fighting their own demons, and it is okay to feel emotional and not okay.

Own and take responsibility for your mistakes and failures. It is okay to make mistakes–the only true mistake is the one you don’t learn from.

Making mistakes is how you grow. Mistakes show you that there needs to be a change in your life, a change that you can learn and grow from in a positive manner.

Nobody knows how to navigate through life. It is a learning process and that is something very important to acknowledge and accept.

In times where I thought it would be easier if I weren’t here, I tell myself that going through adversity is what will make me stronger and more knowledgeable, and have a happier future.

Yes, you might feel like your world is falling apart, but you can take the steps to regain your strength and courage.

If you are feeling horrible about yourself, or down, please remember that YOU ARE HUMAN.

If you are feeling like your life is a mess, take a moment to breathe, listen to “human” by Christina Perri, and read these quotes that show you that messy is part of life.

The best advice I got was “you have to have a breakdown to have a breakthrough.”

You got this. You are here for a reason. Don’t give up.

“No one is you, and that is your power.”

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Let’s talk forgiveness


The truth behind triggers