10 ways to become mentally stronger

Mental fitness is JUST as important as physical fitness…if not more:)

  1. Take 15 minutes a day to self-reflect.

  2. Do at least 1 tough thing everyday.

  3. Give up one bad habit…even if you trying doing this for a week or 2, it will show yourself how strong you actually are, and can be.

  4. Develop positive self talk…this is a multi step process and takes time. The best way to start is to tell yourself something positive about your day everyday.

  5. Identify what challenges you & set goals… Acknowledging your weaknesses can actually make you a stronger person. If you know what challenges you, you can set goals on how to accomplish this goal and how you will overcome these challenges.

  6. Identify your strengths & weaknesses…this goes along with #5. Learning about yourself is the best way to better understand your mental illness.

  7. Journal daily…sometimes I just write down 3 things I’m grateful for, or a positive memory, or something that was on my mind all day, etc. Even just sitting down and thinking about your day can be impactful.

  8. Write down 10 ideas every day…this will build your idea muscle, and will help train your brain that you something to love for, and are capable of creativity and productivity.

  9. Take care of your physical health…i struggle with finding time everyday to exercise even though I know how beneficial it can be for your physical health, but also your mental health. Even just taking your dog on a walk can help your physical health.

  10. Create a healthy, happy, and calm environment for yourself. I will get into this more in later blog, but I seriously think this is one of the most short-term and impactful ways to make you stronger and happy.


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