Self harm alternatives

If you need help right now, call the suicide and crisis hotline at 988.

More than 800,000 people die by suicide every year – around one person every 40 seconds. Suicide occurs all over the world and can take place at almost any age (BMC). Suicide is a very tricky subject to talk about because it is a very sensitive topic. There are not enough resources that provide you with alternatives to self harm. Hurting your body is never the answer, and I want to share these alternatives that could really help someone in need.

  1. Tear apart a newspaper, photos, or anything paper

  2. Go for a run or walk

  3. Cry. Let everything out in the open. Don’t feel shame for crying; Your feelings are valid

  4. Distract yourself on the internet. Maybe find a new show to watch, or browse youtube videos, or research a new topic, etc.

  5. Write down words that empower you

  6. Re-organize your room, or re-fold clothes in your drawers

  7. Write your negative thoughts on a piece of paper and tear them apart.

  8. Reach out to a TRUSTED friend and talk through your emotions

  9. Try aromatherapy to relax your brain

  10. Call a crisis line, or find someone to talk to through a mental health awareness organization

  11. Plan your dream vacation

  12. Squeeze a pillow, or scream into it

  13. Take a cold shower

  14. Sing your favorite song

  15. Dance around your room to release energy and any anxious feelings

  16. Browse amazon and make a wishlist

  17. Draw, paint, or doodle in a notebook

  18. Buy a stuffed animal to cuddle with

  19. Repeat a positive affirmation. “I will be ok…, I deserve love not pain…”

  20. Chew gum and focus on how your mouth is moving

  21. Practice a mindfulness exercise

  22. Meditate…even for 2 minutes

  23. Break a glass plate

  24. Rewatch your favorite tv show (or certain scenes)

  25. Journal your thoughts

  26. Count something in your room

  27. Squeeze a stress ball or play with putty

  28. Put on a fake tattoo that gives you strength…I like drawing a lighting bolt on myself because this symbol gives me strength and courage

  29. Stare at the sky and count how many starts you see

  30. Blow up balloons and pop them

  31. Pop bubble wrap

  32. Count to 100

  33. Paint your nails a new color

  34. Pick flowers

  35. Drive around to distract yourself

These are just some of MANY different self harm alternatives that you can access. Please read through them. You matter, and are worthy of life.

Side note: this is a great source for more thorough tips/alternatives: Self Harm Alternatives



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