Let’s talk self-love, care, and awareness
Self care isn’t just drinking water and going to sleep early. Self care is taking a break when things become overwhelming, saying no to things you don’t want to do, allowing yourself to cry, asking for help when you need it, and doing things that make you happy.
It’s important to love yourself because of the simple truth that you cannot take care of others until you take care of yourself first. When you fully love yourself, this gives you the opportunity to move through the world “with deeper compassion for others.”
Self-love is something that I have struggled with. When your brain is just feeding you a cycle of negative thoughts, its hard to appreciate and find worth in your existence.
Here are some ways to start to foster self-love:
Recognize that no two people are exactly alike. When you think about it, it is really crazy that we judge ourselves every day and strive to look like the ideal person when in reality, you will never be the same as someone else. Think about it–why are you trying to be someone else? It’s not possible. You are the only person you have unconditionally.
Realize that each person does what they are capable of in their own evolution and journey. Beating yourself up because you did or didn’t do something is useless. Most people overcome obstacles, and in doing so make a ton of mistakes along the way. Instead of beating yourself up, embrace your journey and know that you are learning at each and every moment given to you. Everyone has a different path and purpose on this earth. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect.
Respect that each moment is a gift. Self-care is important. Don’t wait to apply it. Yes, there is plenty to do and worry about, and in the midst of it all, each moment gives you a chance to just stop and realize your own significance in the universe.
Remember that no one is perfect. People have been telling you this since the start of time, but why is no one actually accepting the fact? Everyone has strengths and areas of opportunity. Don’t sell yourself short or compare yourself to others. It’s a losing proposition—there is always someone who would take your place in a minute, given their circumstances. Own what’s positive about you and enjoy those things. There are things about you that people with they had.
Loving self-talk. It is proven that feeing positive thoughts to your brain can actually change your entire demeanor and attitude. Sometimes the things we say to ourselves are the most awful, demeaning things anyone could ever say. Instead of drilling into yourself how terrible you are or using self-defeating language, reframe—and use language that builds you up, not tears you down. For example, tell yourself you are proud about an accomplishment.
“Self love will heal you, empower you, restore you, make you confident and open up new worlds within you and all around you.
Self love is the key to your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health.”
Self-care. I can’t stress enough how IMPORTANT self-care is. Self-care encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit the good feelings to others.
Take care of yourself. I find that self-care is so effective because it is one of the things I can control about myself. I can control how much effort I put into taking care of myself.
Self-care can be shown in various different ways:

While consciousness is being aware of one's environment and body and lifestyle, self-awareness is the recognition of that awareness. Self-awareness is how an individual consciously knows and understands their own character, feelings, motives, and desires.
Self-awareness is so important because knowing how you will react to certain things can shape how you live your life. Knowing what negatively and positively impacts your life is key in understanding yourself and your mental illness.