New Year, New You

It’s finally 2021! What a year we have all had. Fingers crossed for a happier future. In the spirit of the New Year, I have outlined some things you can do to make your year better than this one.

Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.”


Goal Setting

Setting goals is a very important thing to do when trying to accomplish something, and to gain motivation to do it. There are seriously so many benefits to creating goals for yourself. If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals people usually tend to lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction, but it also will show you evidence that you are actually accomplishing it.

Something that people usually struggle with is: “how do I incorporate my goals into my lifestyle?” A key factor is setting goals is making sure that they are relevant, time conscious, and measurable. You want to set goals that you will be able to achieve, but also some goals that you want to push yourself to work for. A goal can be as simple as adding a new habit into your lifestyle. For example, drinking at least 3 water bottles a day can be a goal. This is a goal I want to incorporate into my life because, as stupid as it sounds, I forget to drink water. Taking little steps can also help you achieve your goal. You can set milestones for a bigger path and motivate yourself to get through it.

With all of this in mind, the only way you can truly accomplish a goal is if you hold yourself accountable. Develop self-discipline and really push yourself to do what your brain desires.

Now, get to it! Create some goals for the New Year!


Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. The reason I like positive affirmations is because even if I don’t feel happy or confident, I can change that mindset by saying things like “I am confident,” “I got this,” etc.

If you get into the habit of reciting a positive affirmation daily, you will see your mindset change, and watch some of your negativity turn into positive thoughts.

To get you started, here are some positive affirmations that you can add to your daily routine:

  1. I love myself for who I am

  2. I am strong and capable

  3. I love myself unconditionally

  4. I am grateful for all that I have in my life

  5. How I feel matters. My feelings are valid

  6. I am worthy of love and happiness

  7. My mental health challenges don’t define who I am

  8. I am strong, confident, and courageous

  9. What I feel is not who I am

  10. I am here for a reason and there is a place for me here

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Self Care & Self Love

Self care isn’t just drinking water and going to sleep early. Self care is taking a break when things become overwhelming, saying no to things you don’t want to do, allowing yourself to cry, asking for help when you need it, and doing things that make you happy. In the New Year I want to incorporate more self care into my routine. Self care makes me feel cleansed, fresh, and relaxed. These are feelings that I usually do not feel otherwise. We have to prioritize the relationship with our body, because it is the one we have forever and unconditionally. You have to take care of your mental health especially after the year we all had. Depression and anxiety in teens boomed during the pandemic. Now, more than ever, you should love yourself and work on that relationship. If you want to learn more about self care, self love, and self awareness click here. This link will take you to one of my blogs where I talk everything self care.

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Take care of your body

I think everyone can agree that quarantine ruined the gym grind–or really any type of working out. It was really hard for me especially to motivate myself to workout during the pandemic. I had no sports and no reason really to workout. I wish that I had worked out more and taken care of my body. However, I had no energy so I’m not sure how well that would have worked out. In the New Year I think we all should try to get out of our homes, out of our rooms, and away from screens and really enjoy nature while taking care of our bodies. Try to make a goal for yourself to integrate some sort of exercise into your lifestyle. Whether its taking your dog for a walk, jogging with your friend, etc., try and get out of the house and moving.

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Gratitude Journals

Let’s talk about gratitude. Expressing gratitude internalizes good vibes AND is proven to help reduce symptoms of depression. Gratitude can change your life; “Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette. This is a very beneficial habit that you can start in 2021. Gratitude not can make you feel more alive, but it is integral to our well-being. Let’s make gratitude a habit!!!!! Click here to be brought to my blog on gratitude journals to learn all about the benefits, how to get started, and how to make it a habit. I think gratitude journals are necessary for a better year because if 2020 is telling us anything, it’s telling us to enjoy the moments we have, and don’t take any day, anything or anyone for granted. Keeping a gratitude journal can help you keep track of everything you are grateful, but also it gives you physical proof of all of the things you have to be grateful for.

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Make time for the things that make you happy & cleanse your space

THIS IS SO IMPORTANT!!!! Please get rid of toxic relationships, hobbies that are overwhelming, a habit that you dislike, etc. in the new year, and spend time with people you enjoy and do things you enjoy. Put yourself in an environment that is supportive, welcoming and calming. Set yourself up to thrive! If you want to learn more about how to create a happy and calm environment (like a bedroom), click here.

Now, it’s time to cleanse your space! Get rid of mental garbage & physical garbage. Start the new year with a clean and fresh bedroom. I find that having a clean space around you can actually keep your thoughts organized, collected, and less chaotic. Click here if you want to learn more about cleaning, how to get started, and the benefits of it.


Let’s talk medication


Give your mental illness a “name” and write a letter to it