How to reach out to a friend without always saying “how are you?”

Reaching out to a friend that has been experiencing a tough time can be difficult. You kinda feel like you could make it worse, or that the conversation might be awkward. I’m going to tell you right now that reaching out to a friend even though it may be awkward, is better than seeing a recent "suicide” in the local newspaper. Think about: “what if this could possibly stop them from taking their life, or from making a life altering decision alone?”

Here are some ways to start a conversation…

  1. Tell them you miss them

  2. Tell them something that happened that made you think of them

  3. Recommend a song and then ask them their opinion about it

  4. Remind them that they’re not alone–a quick “Hi ____. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone, and that I will always be here for you” can go a long way

  5. Ask them about a show suggestion on Netflix

  6. Ask to get coffee or lunch somewhere

  7. Let them know you are free to catch-up and chat

  8. Ask if you can help them with anything

  9. Make a comment about something you both have in common

  10. Offer to run an errand for them

  11. Tag them in something on Instagram/ snapchat, etc.

  12. Remind them of a nice memory you two share

  13. Send them a photo you love

  14. Acknowledge their strength during this difficult time

  15. Send a funny meme (or joke)

  16. Make them a handmade gift to show them how much you value their friendship

  17. Send them a curated playlist

  18. Ask them about something they are interested in

  19. Give them a compliment

  20. Wish them a good day

  21. Tell them how much they mean to you

  22. Send your prayers… “I’m think of you”

  23. Ask if they want to FaceTime

  24. Thank them for sticking around

  25. Ask if they want to go for a walk

  26. Tell them how much you love them

  27. Bring them over a meal/ snack

  28. Drop off flowers

  29. Send a funny snapchat

  30. Thank them for their loyalty

I challenge you to try some of these out. A simple, yet thoughtful text can go a very long way.

–“It’s the little things that make life wonderful”

10 Texts To Send Someone Struggling With Their Mental Health

  1. “My life is better with you in it”

  2. “I might not understand what you are going through, but you are strong and will get through it.”

  3. “I’ll be here when you are ready to talk, I promise.”

  4. “Call me anytime you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  5. “The way you feel right now won’t last forever.”

  6. “Take your time to get better, there is no rush, I will still be here.”

  7. “You are important to me and I love you.”

  8. “You are not a disappointment because I am proud of you.”

  9. “When you feel alone remember that you’ll always have me.”

  10. “Do you want to get lunch with me or go for a walk?


How to ask for help