How to support someone when their anxiety sets in

Anxiety is extremely hard for those who experience it. Those who don’t experience it often don’t understand the way it controls your body. Before you can support someone with anxiety, you have to educate yourself on it:) Click here to learn about anxiety and its symptoms, effects, and tips to manage it!

So, let’s get into it. People with anxiety often just want to feel supported and not alone. Our brains are going a million miles an hour and sometimes its nice to just have a sounding board or someone to just listen. Really, just show that you are there for them. Show them they have support, they have someone on their side, an that they have someone who understands what they are going through and are willing to help them.

Below, are a few ways you can support a loved one:

  1. Take them away from a busy environment to a more quiet space

  2. Reassure them they’re safe and you’re here for them

  3. Acknowledge any “outburst” has less to do with the “trigger” and more to do with the “symptoms”

  4. Don’t guilt trip them for canceling plans last minute

  5. Don’t take any irritability personally

  6. Lower you expectations of them during this time

  7. Do a kind small gesture

  8. Acknowledge their strength for fighting this invisible illness

  9. Don’t pressure them to talk about it if they’ve gone quiet/ signal they’re not ready to

  10. If they feel like talking, listen, to understand their experience not judge it. The cause may appear “small” to you, but may have triggered a traumatic experience for them


How to help a friend who is having a panic attack


How to support someone when their depression sets in